
For the foam cutter several homepages were used to obtain the necessary tools for the actual machine to work. The foam-cutter is based on the GRBL library and thus the code for the Arduino and the program for streaming coordinates also are compatible with this library. The GRBL allows us to implement a simple solution with an almost complete package with little configuration needed. To collect all the necessary tools for others to use, this post will contain a short explanation on what you need to

A complete guide with all the tools and procedure is included on this page with download links provided.

The stepper drivers differ in our case, but are compatible so no change was needed.

Our solution implements a different controller because of the ease and the different options it gives access to.

The entire procedure from the protoneer homepage can be followed, and the final controller program used instead. The configuration needed for the controller can be set by calculating and trying to run a sample square box to figure out the axis with the help of this calculator

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